GOP Tax Cuts

Sept 24 2021

I’d just like to mention that when Democrats talk about raising taxes on corporations and closing the loopholes that let them get away with paying no taxes at all, all that outrage you hear from the right is entirely disingenuous.

Back in the fifties, the “good old days” as some conservatives call it, corporations were taxed at 90%. That did not mean they gave 90% of their profits to the government. Then, as now, any money a corporation invests back into their business is a tax write-off. It’s that re-investment that creates jobs.

Every time the Republicans cut corporate taxes, corporate executives invest all their new profits in buying up more of their own stock, increasing their own wealth. None of it goes into job creation, as we’ve seen over and over again.

Most Republican politicians know this, but serving their corporate donors is making them rich, so they lie and say their tax cuts are going to create jobs and lift the economy. Don’t believe them. Look for yourself at the results of those tax cuts.

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